Services » Schlüsselübersicht Boletales

Wolfgang Klofac

Übersicht über bisher publizierte  Schlüsseln zu Boletales in chronologischer Auflistung

A  historical-chronological overview of previously published keys to the Boletales (uploaded on July 20, 2023)

Diese Auflistung von Publikationen, bei denen in Form von Schlüsseln versucht wurde, einen leichteren Zugang zur Kenntnis von Taxa der Boletales in dieser Form zu ermöglichen, erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Sie soll eher als eine historische Übersicht der bisher in der relevanten Literatur erfolgten Bestrebungen zur Bestimmungsvereinfachung darstellen.

This list of publications, in which an attempt was made in the form of keys to enable easier access to the knowledge of taxa of the Boletales in this form, does not claim to be complete. Rather, it is intended to provide a historical overview of the efforts made in the relevant literature to simplify the determination.

Der Zweck dieser Publikation besteht darin Schlüssel-Publikationen in zeitlicher Abfolge zu listen, beginnend mit den aktuellsten. Natürlich sind die kurzen Kommentare nur in Relation zum Kenntnisstand zum jeweiligen Publikationszeitpunkt zu relativieren und nicht in Bezug auf den jetzigen Wissensstand. Die Auflistung beinhaltet neben Autor(en) und Titel die Publikationsstelle, –zeit und –sprache,  sowie eventuell vorhandene bildliche Darstellungen bzw. phylogenetische trees, kritische Anmerkungen, die kontinentale Zuordnung sowie nach Möglichkeit die dominierend behandelten Gattungen. Falls der jeweilige Schlüssel auf ausgewählte Gattungen bzw. auf nicht den publikationsrelevanten Lokalitäten bezogen ist, wird dies separat angeführt.

The aim of this publication is to present key publications in chronological order, starting with the most recent publications. Of course, short comments only refer to the state of knowledge at the time of publication and must not be set in relation to later new understanding. In addition to the author(s) and title, the list includes the place, time and language of publication, as well as any existing pictorial representations or phylogenetic trees, critical comments, the continental assignment and, if possible, the dominant genera treated.

If the respective key is restricted to selected genera or to localities, not related to the publication, this is stated separately.


Af               Africa
As               Asia
Aus             Australia
C                 Pictures in color
Eu               Europe
MA             Central America
NA              North America

SA               South America
SW             Pictures  in black and white
WW            Worldwide
www           World wide web
T                 Comparison table (list)
Z                 Illustration
(xxx)           Only partially applies to:
>xx<           relevant pages

AuthorTitleYearPublicationKeyPic.TreeCritic.Assign.Lang.Dominant edited genera
Nanu S., Kumar, T.K.A.,A new species of Boletinellus (Boletinellaceae, Boletales) from India2023Phytotaxa 594 (3): 223–231TCxAsengl.Boletinellus
Martínez-Reyes M., Carrera-Martínez A., de la Fuente J. I.,
Ríos-García U., Ortiz-Lopez I., Ayala-Vásquez O.
Xerocomellus perezmorenoi (Boletaceae, Boletales), a new edible species from Mexico2023Phytotaxa 584 (2): 104–114x(Mexico)CxNAengl.Xerocomellus
Cortés-Pérez A., Ramírez-Guillén F., García-Jiménez J., Ramírez-Cruz V., Villalobos-Arámbula A.R., Barragán Reynaga D.M., Guzmán-Dávalos L.Pseudoboletus silvaticus (Boletaceae, Basidiomycota), a new species from Mexico2023Phytotaxa 589 (1): 027–038TCxNAengl.Pseudoboletus
Pérez-Moreno J., Martínez-Reyes M., Martínez-González C.R., Ramírez-Carbajal E., Carrera-Martínez A., Isaac de
la Fuente J., Windhoek Olvera-Noriega J., Ayala-Vásquez O.
Two new species of Chroogomphus (Gomphidiaceae, Boletales) with biocultural
importance in the Tlahuica-Pjiekakjoo culture from Central Mexico
2023Phytotaxa 579 (4): 289–298
Leticia, M., Ramos, A., Halling, R.E., Bandala V.M.A new species and a new record of Tylopilus (Boletaceae)of the balloui group in lowland and montane forests from Eastern
2023Mycological Progress 22(6) , (1-14)
x balloui group America, AsiaCxMAengl. Tylopilus
Zhang,X., Tian, R., Tang,L.-P., Liang,Z.- Q., Zhang,W.-H., Jiang,S.Morphological and phylogenetic evidence reveal three new species of Aureoboletus2022Phytotaxa 567 (2): 127–148x ChinaCxAsengl.Aureoboletus
Wang C.-K., Zeng N.-K.(Boletaceae, Boletales) from China2022Phytotaxa 572 (3): 232–242x ChinaCxAsengl.Retiboletus
Lebela T., Davoodian N., Bloomfield M.C., Symea K., May T.W., Hosakad K., Castellano M.A.A mixed bag of sequestrate fungi from five different families: Boletaceae, Russulaceae, Psathyrellaceae, Strophariaceae, and Hysterangiaceae2022Swainsona 36: 33–65x AmylotramaCx(Au)engl.(Amylotrama, Boletus)
Zhang M., Xie D.-C., Wang C.-Q., Deng W. Q , Li T.-H.New insights into the genus Gyroporus (Gyroporaceae, Boletales), with
establishment of four new sections and description of five new species from China
2022Mycology 13(3):223-242.
doi: 10.1080/21501203.2022.2094012.
x ChinaCxAsengl.Gyroporus
Magnago, A.C., Alves-Silva,G., Henkel T.W., Borges da Silveira R.M.New genera, species, and combinations of Boletaceae from Brazil and Guyana2022Mycologia114(3):607-625, DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2022.2037307xCxSAengl.Brasilioporus, Neotropicomus, Nevesoporus
Biketova, A.Yu.; Gelardi, M.; Smith, M.E.; Simonini, G.; Healy, R.A.; Taneyama, Y.; Vasquez, G.; Kovács, Á.; Nagy, L.G.;Wasser, S.P.; et al.Reappraisal of the Genus Exsudoporus (Boletaceae) Worldwide Based on Multi-Gene Phylogeny, Morphology and Biogeography, and
Insights on
2022J. Fungi:8, 101.(1-33)
x ExudoporusCxWWengl. Boletaceae
Fu H.-Y., Li T., Fan L.Two new species of Butyriboletus from China2022Phytotaxa 544 (2): 207–219x ChinaCxAsengl.Butyriboletus
Wang Y., Tuo Y.-L., Wu D.-M., Gao N., Zhang Z.-H., Rao G., Wang X.-M., Wang, J., Dai D., Li Y. et al.Exploring the Relationships
between Four New Species of
Boletoid Fungi from Northern China and their related species.
2022J. Fungi 8, 218. 10.3390/jof8030218 (1-21)x Butyriboletus China, Tengioboletus WW, Suillellus CxAsengl.Buryriboletus , Tengioboletus, Suillellus
Wu G., Li M.-X., Horak E., Yang, Z.L. Phylogenetic analysis reveals the new genus Amoenoboletus from Asia and New Zealand2022Mycologia 114(1):144-156 DOI:
xCAs Auengl. Amoenoboletus
Zhang X., Liang Z.-Q., Jiang S., Xu C., Fu X.-H., Zeng N.-K., Baorangia duplicatopora (Boletaceae, Boletales), a new bolete from tropical China2021Phytotaxa 508 (1): 049–058x wwCxAsengl.Baorangia
Li Y.- CH., Yang Z.L.The Boletes of China: Tylopilus s.l. 2021Springer, Science Press, Beijing, (also as eBook)x genera, species, China CxAsengl.Boletaceae
Wu G., Li M.-X., Horak E., Yang, Z.L. Phylogenetic analysis reveals the new genus Amoenoboletus from Asia and New Zealand2021Mycologia 114(1):144-156 DOI:
xCAs Auengl. Amoenoboletus
Alvarado P., Cabero, J., Moreno-Mateos D., Vizzini, A., Alonso J., Lebeuf R.,
Siquier J.L., Vidal J.M.
Phylogenetic relationships among false truffle genera of Paxillaceae—Alpova, Melanogaster, Neoalpova, and Paralpova, gen. nov.2021Mycologia 113(4):828-841, DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2021.1911552x generaCxWWengl.Paxillaceae
Sarwar S., Naseer A., Khalid A.N.Cyanoboletus macroporus (Boletaceae), a new bolete species from Pakistani forests2021Karstenia 59(1–2):78–87xCxpicture,phylogeny: mixed analysis methods, material: misstatementsWWengl. Cyanoboletus
Huang C., Zhang M., Wu X.-L., Wu G., Xu J.-P., Yang Z.L., Li Y.-C.Cyanescent Gyroporus (Gyroporaceae, Boletales)
from China
2021MycoKeys 81: 165–183.x. China p.p.CxAsengl.Gyroporus
Saldivar, Á.E., García Jiménez J., Herrera Fonseca M.J., Rodríguez Alcántar O..Listado actuallizado y nuevos registros de Boletaceae (Fungi, Basidiomycota, Boletales) en Jalisco, Mexico.2021Polibotánica 52: 25-49x genera mex.CNAspan.Boletaceae
Xie H.-J., Tang L.-P., Mu M., Fan Y.-G., Jiang S., Su M.-S.A Contribution to Knowledge of Gyroporus (Gyroporaceae,
Boletales) in China: Three New Taxa and Amended Descriptions of Two Previous Species
2021Research square (Mycological Progress 21:71–92)x ChinaCxAsengl.Gyroporus
Li M.-X., Wu G., Yang, Z.L.Four New Species of Hemileccinum (Xerocomoideae, Boletaceae) from Southwestern China2021Journal of Fungi 7(10, no. 823):1-20, 10.3390/jof7100823 xCxAsengl.Hemileccinum
Khan J., Ullah S., Sher H., Fiaz M., Khalid A.N. Veloporphyrellus latisporus (Boletaceae), a new species from
moist temperate forests of Pakistan
2021Nordic Journal of Botany. 39(9, no. 3178):1 e03178 doi: 10.1111/njb.03178xCxAsengl.Veloporphyrellus
Xu Ch., Liang Z.-Q., Xie H.-J. , Jiang S., Fu X.-H., Zeng N.-K.Two new species of Chalciporus (Boletaceae, Boletales) from tropical China2021Mycological Progress 20:1573–1582x ChinaCxAsengl.Chalciporus
Hosen, I., Yang, Z.L.Kaziboletus, a new boletoid genus of Boletaceae associated
Shorea robusta in Bangladesh
2021Mycological Progress 20(9):1145-1156 – 10.1007/s11557-021-01723-7x similar generaCxAsengl.Kaziboletus
Palamarchuk, M.A,. Kirillov, D.V., Shadrin D.M.Morphology and molecular data of the species of Suillus (Suillaceae, Boletales) associated with Pinus sibirica at the European northeast of Russia2021Phytotaxa 490 (1): 018–034xCxEuengl.Suillus
Vadthanarat S., Halling R.E., Mario Amalfi M., Lumyong S., Raspé O.An Unexpectedly High Number of New Sutorius (Boletaceae) Species From Northern and Northeastern Thailand2021Frontier in Microbiology 12(no. 643505):1-27.
doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.643505
x WWCxAsengl.Sutorius
Lezzi T., Gennari A., Ianotti M.Description of the first finding in Italy of Xerocomus chrysonemus2021RMR, Boll. Amer 114, Anno XXXVII (3): 145-153xCxEuengl. Xerocomus
Bozok F., Assyov B., Taşkin H., Doğan H.H.,
Molecular phylogenetic studies of Turkish boletes with emphasis on some recently described species2020Nova Hedwigia 110(1-2): 99-129xCxEuengl.Boletaceae
Farid A., Franck A.R., Bolin J., Garey J.R.Expansion of the genus Imleria in North America to include Imleria floridana, sp. nov., and Imleria pallida, comb. nov.2020Mycologia, 112(2): 423-437, DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2019.1685359xCxNAengl.Imleria
Bianchi M.Il genere Suillus2020Andiamo a fungi 16/1:3-7xEuital.Suillus, Boletinus
Frank J. L., Siegel N., Schwarz C. F., Araki B., Vellinga E.C.Xerocomellus (Boletaceae) in western North America.2020Fungal Systematics and
Evolution 6: 265–288.
xCxNAengl.Xerocomellus, Hortiboletus
Han L.H., Wu G., Horak E., Halling R.E., Xu J., Ndolo E.S.T., Sato H., Fechner N., Sharma Y.P., Yang Z.L.Phylogeny and species delimitation of Strobilomyces
(Boletaceae), with an emphasis on the Asian species
2020Persoonia 44 : 113–139xCxWWengl. Strobilomyces
Wang Y., Su M.-S., Jiang S., Xue R., Wu L.-L., Xie H.-J., Zhang Y.-Z., Liang Z.-Q., Zeng N.-K.The genus Hourangia in China and a description of Aureoboletus erythraeus sp. nov.2020Phytotaxa 472 (2): 087–106x Hourangia WWCxtree-key discrepanceAsengl.Hourangia, Aureoboletus
Xie H.-J., Lin W.-F., Jiang S., Xue R., Wu L.-L., Zhang Y.-Z., Liang Z.-Q., Zeng N.-K., Su M.-S.Two new species of Hortiboletus (Boletaceae, Boletales) from China2020Mycological Progress 19:1377–1386x WWCxkey Asengl. Hortiboletus
Liu H.-Y., Li Y.-C., Bau T.New species of Retiboletus (Boletales, Boletaceae) from China based on morphological and molecular data.2020MycoKeys 67: 33–44.x ChinaCxAsengl.Retiboletus
Khmelnitsky O., Davoodian N., Singh P., Raspé O., Lee S.M.L., Fechner N., Bonito G., Lebel T., Halling R.E.Ionosporus: a new genus for Boletus longipes (Boletaceae), with a new species, I. australis, from Australia2019Mycological Progress 18(3):439–451xCxAs, Ausengl.Ionosporus
Putzke J. , Putzke M.Cogumelos (fungos Agaricales) no Brasil, Volume 2 – Ordens Boletales (Boletaceae e Paxillaceae), Polyporales (Polyporaceae/Lentinaceae), Russulales (Russulaceae) e Agaricales (Cortinariaceae, Inocybaceae, Pluteaceae e Strophariaceae)2019Sao Gabriel, LupagrafxSAport.(Boletales)
Xue R., Liang Z.-Q., Chai H., Jiang S., Tang L.-P., Fu Y.-Q.,
Fan J.-G., Wu L.-L., Zeng N.-K.
The Suillus spraguei complex (Suillaceae, Boletales): new taxon, new hosts and amended descriptions2019Phytotaxa 401 (4): 239–256xCxAsengl.Suillus
Wu L.-L., Liang Z.-Q., Xue R., Fan Y.-G., Jiang S., Fu Y.-Q.,
Zeng N., Su M.-S.,
The genus Crocinoboletus (Boletaceae, Boletales): a new species and updated
information for previously described species
2019Phytotaxa 419 (1): 091–099xCxAsengl.Crocinoboletus
García-Jiménez .J, Garza-Ocañas F., de la Fuente J.I., Saldivar Á.E., Ayala-Vásquez O. Three new records of Aureoboletus Pouzar
(Boletaceae, Boletales) from Mexico.
2019Check List 15 (5): 759–765. MexicoCNAengl.Aureoboletus
NYBG/ BoletineaeHeimioporus – Overview & Key2019wwwxWWengl.Heimioporus
NYBG/ BoletineaeBoletellus sect. Boletellus – Overview and Key 2019wwwxWWengl.Boletellus p.p.
NYBG/ BoletineaeBoletellus sect. Ixocephali – Overview and Key 2019wwwxWWengl.Boletellus p.p.
Halling R.E.Key to Boletellus in Australia 2019wwwxAuengl.Boletellus p.p.
Landcare Research after McNabbKey: Xerocomus including Chalciporus  2001-2019Landcare ResearchxAuengl.Xerocomus Chalciporus
Landcare Research after McNabbKey: Boletus2001-2019Landcare ResearchxAuengl.Boletaceae
Scates K. , Gibson I., Bishop R.Trial field key to the BOLETES in the Pacific /council / Boletex + generaCNAengl. Boletales
Vadthanarat S., Amalfi M., Halling, R.E., Bandala V., Lumyong S., Raspé, O.Two new Erythrophylloporus species (Boletaceae) from Thailand, with two new combinations of American species2019MycoKeys. 55:29-57x WWCxAsengl.Erythrophylloporus
Zhang M., Li T.-H., Wang C.-Q., Zeng N.-K., Deng W.-Q.Phylogenetic overview of Aureoboletus (Boletaceae, Boletales), with descriptions of six new species from China.2019MycoKeys 61: 111–145.x ChinaCxAsengl.Aureoboletus
Chapon P., Roux P.Nouvelle combinaison2019Bull. Mycol. Bot. Dauphiné-Savoie 232: 95synonymEufranz.Caloboletus
Riquelme C., Dibán MJ., Salazar-Vidal V.Revisión del género Boletus L. (Boletales, Basidiomycota) en Chile2019Bol. Micol. 34(1):28-42xCSAspan.Boletus s.l.
Noordeloos M.E, Kuyper T.W., Somhorst I., Vellinga E.C.( ed.) Boletales, Russulales I, 2018Flora Agaricina Neerlandica 7xCEuengl., holl.Boletales
Ayala-Vásquez O., Valenzuela R., Aguirre-Acosta E., Raymundo T., García-Jiménez J.Species of Boletaceae (Boletales, Basidiomycota) with ornamented spores from temperate forests at the state of Oaxaca, Mexico2018Studies in Fungi 3(1): 271–292xCNAengl.Boletales
Wu G., Lee S.M.L.,Horak E., Yang Z.L.Spongispora temasekensis, a new boletoid genus and
species from Singapore
2018Mycologia, 110(5): 919-929, DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2018.1496387x Leccinoideen- Genera cxAsengl. Spongispora
Scambler R., Niskanen T., Assyov B., Ainsworth M., Bellanger J.-M., Loizides M., Moreau P.-A., Kirk P.M., Liimatainen K.1Diversity of Chroogomphus (Gomphidiaceae, Boletales) in Europe, and typification of C. rutilus2018IMA FUNGUS · 9(2): 271–290xCxx Eu(WW)engl.Chroogomphus
Zeng N.-K., Chai H., Liang Z.-Q., Tang L.-P., Xue R., Yang Z.L.The genus Heimioporus in China2018Mycologia110(6):1110-1126. doi: 10.1080/00275514.2018.1512303x ChinaCxWWengl.Heimioporus Boletellus
de la Fuente J.I., Ayala-Vásquez O., Garza-Ocañas F., López C-.Y., García-Jiménez J.Some interesting Boletales (Basidiomycota) from Quintana Roo, Mexico2018Scientia Fungorum Vol. 48: 77-86xCNAengl.Boletales
Hahn Ch.Schlüssel der Gattung Gyroporus für Europa 2018forum.pilze-bayern.dexEudeutschGyroporus
Hahn Ch.Schlüssel der europäischen Arten der Gattung Chroogomphus (nach Scambler et al. )2018forum.pilze-bayern.dexEudeutschChroogomphus
Hahn Ch.Schlüssel der Gattung Rhizopogon nach MARTÍN (1996), stellenweise ergänzt 2018forum.pilze-bayern.dexEudeutschRhizopogon
Klofac W., Krisai-Greilhuber I.Revised key for the determination of fresh collections of European species of Boletales with tubulate hymenophore2018Österr. Z. Pilzk.27:81-303xEuengl. deutschBoletales
Magnago A.C., Henkel T., Neves M.A., Borges da Silveira R.M.Singerocomus atlanticus sp. nov., and a fi rst record of Singerocomus rubriflavus (Boletaceae, Boletales) for Brazil2017Acta Botanica Brasilica 32 (1-10) doi: 10.1590/0102-33062017abb0320x CxSAengl.Singerocomus
Zhang M., Li T.-H., Song B.Two new species of Chalciporus (Boletaceae) from southern China revealed by morphological characters and molecular data2017Phytotaxa 327 (1): 047–056x ChinaCxAsengl.Chalciporus
Zeng N.-K., Liang Z.-Q., Tang L.-P., Li Y.-C., Yang Z.L.The genus Pulveroboletus (Boletaceae, Boletales)
in China
2017Mycologia, 109(3): 422-442,x ChinaCxAsengl.Pulveroboletus
Zhang M., Li T.-H., Gelardi M., Song B., Zhong X., J.A new species and a new combination of Caloboletus from China2017Phytotaxa 309 (2): 118–126x WWCxAsengl.Caloboletus
Hosen Md.I., Lia T.-H.Two new species of Phylloporus from Bangladesh, with morphological and molecular evidence2017Mycologia 109(2):277-286.
doi: 10.1080/00275514.2017.1312196.
x BangladeshCxAsengl.Phylloporus
Miksik M.Hribovite Houby Evropy2017Prag: Svojtka.xCEutschech.Boletales
Scates K., Gibson I.Field key to Gomphidiaceae in the Pacific › council › Gomphi Pacific Northwest Key CouncilxCNA engl.Gomphidiaceae
Wu G., Li Y,-C., Zhu X.-T., Zhao K., Han L.-H., Cui, J.J., Li, F., Zu J.-P., Yang Z.L One hundred noteworthy boletes from China2016Fungal Diversity 81
DOI 10.1007/s13225-016-0375-8
x genera ChinaCxgenera definitionAsengl.Boletales
Zeng N.K, Liang Z.Q, Wu G., Li Y., Yang Z.L.The genus Retiboletus in China.2016Mycologia, 108(2):, 363-380,xCxAsengl.Retiboletus
Bessette A.E. Roody W.C., Bessette A.R.. Boletes of Eastern North America2016Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, New YorkxCNAengl.Boletales
Urban A. , Klofac W.Neoboletus xanthopus, a sibling species of Neoboletus luridiformis, and similar boletes with yellowish pileus colours2016Sydowia 67: 175–187.xCxEuengl.Boletaceen
Kuo M. The genus Tylopilus. 2016Retrieved from the MushroomExpert. Com Web site: http://www. mushroomexpert. com/ tylopilus.htmlx NACNAengl.Tylopilus
Kuo M.Key to 14 North American edulis-like Boletes 2016Retrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site:
Cui Y.-Y., Feng B., Wu G., Xu J., Yang Z.-L.Porcini mushrooms (Boletus sect. Boletus) from China2015Fungal Diversity 81: 189–212 , DOI 10.1007/s13225-015-0336-7x ChinaCxAsengl.Boletus
Baroni T.J., Cifuentes J., Ortiz Santana B., Cappello S., A new species of Phlebopus (Boletales, Basidiomycota) from Mexico2015North American Fungi
10(7), Pages 1-13
x America CxNAengl.Phlebopus
Sato H., Hattori T.New Species of Boletellus Section Boletellus (Boletaceae, Boletales) from Japan, B. aurocontextus sp. nov. and B.areolatus sp. nov.2015PLoS ONE 10(6): e0128184.
x Sect. BoletellusCxAsengl. Boletellus
Zhu X.-T., Wu G., Zhao K., Halling R.E., Yang Z.L.Hourangia, a new genus of Boletaceae to accommodate Xerocomus cheoi and its allied species2015Mycol Progress 14:37
DOI 10.1007/s11557-015-1060-0
Hayward J., Tourtellot S.G., Horton T.R.A revision of the Alpova diplophloeus complex in North America2014Mycologia, 106(4): 846-855,x North AmericaxNAengl.Alpova
Beorn Dickröhrlinge – kurze Gattungsübersicht & Schlüssel 2014 ForumxEudeutschBoletaceen
Zhu X.-T., Li Y.-C., Gang Wu G., Feng B., Zhao K., Gelardi M., Kost G.W., Yang Z. L.The genus Imleria (Boletaceae) in East Asia2014Phytotaxa 191 (1): 081–098xWWCxAsengl.Imleria
Zhao K., Wu G., Yang Z.L.A new genus, Rubroboletus, to accommodate Boletus sinicus and its allies2014Phytotaxa 188:61–77xCxWWengl.Rubroboletus
Fidalgo E., Meléndez A., Muñoz J.A.Una nueva herramienta estadístico-matemática para mediciones esporales y su utilidad en la determinación de especies: el ejemplo de Suillus Sección Granulati Estadès et Lannoy2014BVnPC, 3 (40): 40-90x CEuspan.Suillus
Zhao K., Wu G., Feng B., Yang Z.L.Molecular phylogeny of Caloboletus (Boletaceae) and a new species in East Asia2014Mycol Progress 13(4):1127-1136 DOI 10.1007/s11557-014-1001-3xCxkey unusableAsengl.Caloboletus
Schmid H.A.Schlüssel zu den Gattungen
Xerocomellus und Xerocomus inklusive einiger verwechselbarer
Arten aus anderen Gattungen Pilzverein region BadenxEudeutschBoletaceen
Das K., Hembrom M.E., Parihar A., Mishra D., Sharma J.R.Strobilomyces polypyramis — Rediscovery of a wild
mushroom from Sikkim, India
2014Indian Journal of Plant Sciences:Vol. 3 (2) April -June, pp. 13-18x IndiaCtaxon twice named Asengl.Strobilomyces
Jargeat P., Chaumeton J.-P., Navaud O., Vizzini A., Gryta H.The Paxillus involutus (Boletales, Paxillaceae) complex in Europe: Genetic diversity and morphological description of the new species Paxillus cuprinus, typification of P. involutus s.s., and synthesis of species boundaries2014Fungal bioloy 118:12-31x EuCxEuengl.Paxillus
Kuo, M.Key to 38 Red-Capped, Blue-Staining Boletes in North America 2014, December Retrieved from the Mushroom Expert.Com Web site:
Kuo, M.The genus Gomphidius2014Retrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site:
Sarwar S., Khalid A.N., Niazi A.R.Tylopilus: a new species and a new record from Pakistan2014Mycotaxon 128, pp. 1–10x PakistanCxgeneric + species conceptAsengl.Porphyrellus
Klofac W., Krisai-Greilhuber I.A world-wide key to the genus Boletinus.2014Österr. Z. Pilzk.23: 61-75xWWengl.Boletinus
Kuo, M.Key to 38 Red-Capped, Blue-Staining Boletes in North America 2014, December Retrieved from the Mushroom Expert.Com Web site:
Zeng N.-K., Tang L.-P., Li Y.-C., Tolgor B., Zhu X.-T., Zhao Q., Yang Z.-L.The genus Phylloporus (Boletaceae, Boletales) from China: morphological and multilocus DNA sequence analyses2013Fungal Diversity 58:73–101x AsiaCxAsengl.Phyllopoprus
García-Jiménez J., Singer R., Estrada E., Garza-Ocañas F., Valenzuela R.Two new species of the genus Boletus (Boletales: Agaricomycetes) in Mexico2013Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 84 Suppl.: S152-S162x Mex. p.p.Cgenus?NAspan.Boletaceae
Blanco-Dios J.B.Notes on the genus Buchwaldoboletus in Galicia and North of Portugal (II). Buchwaldoboletus pontevedrensis, sp. nov.2013Mycosphere 4 (5): 945–950x EuCspecies definition?Euengl.Buchwaldoboletus
Gelardi M., Vizzini A., Ercole E., Voyron S., Wu G., Liu X.-Z.Strobilomyces echinocephalus sp. nov. (Boletales) from south-western China, and a key to the genus Strobilomyces worldwide2013Mycol Progress 12:575–588x WWCxAsengl.Strobilomyces
Kuo M. Key to 47 red-pored boletes in North America. 2013 DecemberRetrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site: /boletes_red_pored.htmlxNAengl.Boletaceae
Kuo M.The genus Strobilomyces 2013Retrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site:
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Zang M., Li X.-J., He Y.-S.Flora Fungorum Sinicorum 44, Boletaceae (II). 2013Beijing: Science Press.xC, ZmisinterpretationsAschin. engl.Boletales
Orihara T., Smith M.E., Shimomura N., Iwase K., Maekawa N. Diversity and systematics of the sequestrate genus Octaviania in Japan: two new subgenera and eleven new species2012Persoonia Vol.28: 85–112xCxAsengl.Octaviania
Assyov B.Revision of Boletus section Appendiculati (Boletaceae) in
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2012Turk. J. Bot. 36: 408-419xCEuengl.Butyriboletus
Rödig, T.Die europäischen Arten der Gattungen Xerocomus s. str. und Xerocomellus nach dem Gattungskonzept von SUTARA 2008 sowie Abgrenzung zu verwandten europäischen Gattungen und Arten2012 /xerocomus_roedig www : Pilzkundliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. :1-22xEu(NA)deutsch Boletaceae
Lebel, T., Orihara, T., Maekawa, N.,The sequestrate genus Rosbeeva T.Lebel & Orihara gen. nov. (Boletaceae) from Australasia and Japan: new species and new combinations2012Fungal Diversity 52:49–71xCxAs Auengl.Rossbeevera
Halling R.E.Draft Key to Some Bolete GeneraAugust 2012R. E. Halling ©x generaWWengl.Boletales
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Landcare Research Keys Details Suillus New Zealand2012Landcare Research x NSAuengl.Suillus Chalciporus
Halling R.E.Macrofungi of Costa Rica Key to Phylloporus2012?Interactive keys cancelled by NYBG Curatorial Research xMAengl.Phylloporus
Hahn Ch.Bestimmungsschlüssel der kremplingsartigen Boletales Europa2012Mycol.Bav. 13:59-68xEudeutschPaxillus , Tapinella
Assyov B.Revision of Boletus section Appendiculati (Boletaceae) in
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Halling R.E.Macrofungi of Costa Rica Key to Leccinum2012?Interactive keysxMAengl. Leccinum Sutorius
Nouhra E.R., Hernandez Caffot M.L., Pastor N., Crespo E.M.The species of Scleroderma from Argentina, including a new species from the Nothofagus forest2012Mycologia, 104(2): 488–495.x Arg.CxSAengl./lat.Scleroderma
Kibby G.The Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca complex2012Field Mycol. 13(2):43-50xCEuengl.Hygrophoropsis
Horak E.Revision of Malaysian Spec. of Boletales s.l. descr. by Corner2011Malayan Forest Records No. 51xgenus definitionAsengl.Boletales
Kibby G.British Boletes with keys to species 2011The AuthorxCeuengl.Boletales
Klofac W.Rotfußröhrlinge (Gattung Xerocomellus) in aktueller Sicht2011Österr .Z. Pilzk. 20:35-43xEudeutschXerocomellus
Horak E.Revision of Malaysian Spec. of Boletales s.l. descr. by Corner2011Malayan Forest Records No. 51xgenus definitionAsengl.Boletales
Li Y.-C., Feng B., Yang Z.L.Zangia, a new genus of Boletaceae supported by molecular and morphological evidence2011Fungal Diversity 49
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Gelardi M.A noteworthy British collection of Xerocomus silwoodensis and a comparative overview on the European species of X. subtomentosus complex2011Boll. AMER 84, Anno XXVII (3): 28-38xCEuengl.Xerocomus
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Cortez V.G., Baseia I.G., Silveira R.M.B.Gasteroid mycobiota of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil:
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Trappe M.Key to Common Western Oregon Species of Rhizopogon2011 › pogeykeyxNAengl.Rhizopogon
Lebel T., Orihara T., Maekawa N.The sequestrate genus Rosbeeva T.Lebel & Orihara gen. nov. (Boletaceae) from Australasia and Japan: new species and new combinations2011Fungal Diversity 52: 49-71
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Sato H., Hattori T., Lee S.S., Murakami N.Two species of Strobilomyces (Boletaceae, Boletales), S. seminudus and S. hongoi sp. nov. from Japan2011Mycologia. 103(3):598-609xZxAsengl./lat.Strobilomyces
Halling R.E., Fechner N.A.Heimioporus (Boletineae) in Australia2011Australasian Mycologist 29:47-51xCmisidentificationAuengl.Heimioporus
Eyssartier G, Roux P.Le guide des champignons2011Paris, BelinxCmisinterpretations?Eufranz,(Boletales)
Klofac W.Rotfußröhrlinge (Gattung Xerocomellus) in aktueller Sicht2011Österr. Z. Pilzk.20:35-43xEuengl. deutschXerocomellus
Klofac W.Boletus pseudosulphureus, der gültige Name für den teilweise fehlinterpretierten Boletus junquilleus? 2011Österr. Z. Pilzk.20:53-72xCEuengl. deutschBoletaceae
Twu, C.H.Diversity of Boletaceae in peninsular Malaysia2010Dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of science xCAs engl.Boletaceae
Kuo, M.The genus Gyroporus2010Retrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site: http://www.mushroomexpert. com /gyroporus.htmlx NANAengl.Gyroporus
Leonard P., Batchelor D.Slippery Jack and how to find him , A field key to Suillus species in Australia and New Zealand2010Fungimap Newsletter 41: 4-8,
Neves M.A., Halling R.E.Study on species of Phylloporus I: Neotropics and North America2010Mycologia, 102(4): 923–943xCNA SAengl.Phylloporus
Klofac W.The genus Aureoboletus, a world-wide survey. A contribution to a monographic treatment2010Österr. Z. Pilzk.19: 133-174xWWengl. deutschAureoboletus
Halling R.E.Identification Aid:Heimioporus2010Surveys & Revisions in BoletineaexWWengl.Heimioporus
Li Y.C., Yang Z.L. , Tolgor B.Phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships of Chroogomphus species as inferred from molecular and morphological data2009Fungal Diversity 38: 85-104.x ChinaxAsengl./lat.Chroogomphus
Trappe J. M., Molina R., Luoma D. L. Cázares E., Pilz D., Smith J., Castellano M.A., Miller S.L., Trappe M.L.Diversity, ecology, and conservation of truffle fungi in forests of the Pacific Northwest2009Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-772. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.x generaCNAengl.(Boletales gastroid)
Roy E. Halling & Beatriz Ortiz-SantanaA revision of Boletellus sect. Ixocephali2009Mycol Progress 8:237–244x p.p.WWengl.Boletellus
Fulgenzi T.D.Systematics of Boletaceae from the Guiana shield2009ThesisxTylopilus, BoletellusCSAengl.Boletaceae
Šutara J., Miksik M., Janda V.Atlas Hribovite Houby2009Praha, AcademiaxCEutschech.Boletales
Šutara J.Xerocomus s. l. in the light of the present state of knowledge.2008Czech Mycol. 60(1): 29–62.x generaEuengl.Boletaceen
Mayor J.R., Fulgenzi T.D., Henkel T.W., Halling R.E.Boletellus piakaii sp. nov. and a new distribution record for
Boletellus ananas var. ananas from Guyana
2008Mycotaxon 105: 387–398x GuyanaSWSAengl./lat.Boletellus
Hills A.E.The genus Xerocomus A personal view, with a key to the British species2008Field Mycology 9(3):77-96xCEuengl.Boletaceae
Kuo M.The Genus Leccinum  2007Retrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site: North AmericaNAengl.Leccinum
Ortiz-Santana, B., Lodge, D.J., Baroni, T.J., Both, E.E.Boletes from Belize and the Dominican Republic2007Fungal Diversity 27: 247-416.x Belize, Dom.Rep.CMAengl.Boletales
Fulgenzi T.D., Henkel T.W., Halling R.E.Tylopilus orsonianus sp. nov. and Tylopilus eximius from Guyana2007Mycologia, 99(4): 622–627.x GuyanaSWSAengl/lat..Tylopilus
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Klofac, W.Schlüssel zur Bestimmung von Frischfunden der europäischen Arten der Boletales mit röhrigem Hymenophor2007Österr. Z. Pilzk.16: 187-279xEudeutschBoletales
NoordeloosM.E..Hoe raak ik thuis in de boleten-7:De fluweelboleten (Xerocomus) van Nederland2007Coolia 50(1):1-20xCEuholl.Boletaceae
Zang Mu (ed.) Flora Fungorum Sinicorum 22 Boletaceae I2006Beijing: Science Press.xC, ZmisinterpretationsAschin./ engl.Boletales
Kibby G.Leccinum revisited A new synopticc key to species2006Field Mycology Volume 7(4):77-87xCEuengl.Leccinum
Davis M.Common Mushrooms and other Fungi of Salt Point, California PP 135 Field Identification of Mushrooms:1-42006Department of Plant Pathology
University of California,
Gröger F.Bestimmungsschlüssel für Bätterpilze und Röhrlinge in Europa I2006Regensb. Mykol. Schriften 13xmisinterpretations, species definitionEudeutsch(Boletales)
Klofac W., Krisai-Greilhuber I.Die Gattung Chalciporus, ein weltweiter Überblick2006Österr. Z. Pilzk.15: 31-65xCWWdeutschChalciporus
Roux P. Mille et un champignons2006Sainte-Sigolène: Édition Roux xCmisinterpretationsEufranz.(Boletales)
Corea E.Il Genere Boletus L. in Calabria2006Riv. Micol. 49(1):3-11x BoletusCEuital.Boletaceae
Lehr T., Schreiner J.Xerocomus cisalpinus für Deutschland nachgewiesen2006Z. Mykol. 72/2):123-136xTabelleCEudeutschXerocomellus
Taylor A., Eberhardt U.Släktet Xerocomus i Sverige2006Svensk Mykologisk Tidskrift 27(3):35-48xCEuschwed.Boletaceae
Horak E.Röhrlinge und Blätterpilze in Europa Kleine Krypt.Flora 6.Aufl. 2005Münsche:Elsevier GmbH, Spektrum Akadem.VerlagxmisinterpretationsEudeutsch(Boletales)
Munoz J.A.Boletus s.l. Fungi Europaei 2 (2.Aufl.)2005Alassio: CandussoxCEuspan./ engl.Boletales
Watling R., Hills A.E.British Fungus Flora 1 Boletes and their Allies2005Edinburgh: Royal Botanic Garden.xgenera definitionEuengl.Boletales
Den Bakker H.C., Noordeloos M.E.A revision of European species of Leccinum Gray and notes on extralimital species2005Persoonia 18(4):511-587x west.EuropeCxsynonymy Euengl.Leccinum
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Palfner, G.Tylopilus temucensis sect. Oxydabiles (Fungi, Basidiomycota, Boletaceae), new species and first record of the genus from Southamerican Nothofagus forest2005Fungal Diversity 20: 157-166.x Boletaceae ChileCSAengl.Tylopilus, Boletaceen
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van der Linde S. , Noordeloos M.E.,Hoe raak ik thuis in de boleten– 5: Het Eekhoorntjesbrood en verwanten (Boletus sectie Boletus)2005Coolia 48(2): 59-70xCspecies definitionEuniederl.Boletus
Halling R.E., Mueller G.M.Common Mushrooms of the Talamanca Mountains, Costa Rica2005Mem. New York Bot. Gdn. 90xCMA engl.(Boletales)
Horak E.Heimioporus E.Horak gen.nov.- replacing Heimiella Boedijn (1951, syn. post., Boletales, Basidiomycota).2005Sydowia 56:237-240x subgeneragenus definitionWWengl.Heimioporus
Šutara J.Central European genera of the Boletaceae and Suillaceae, with notes on their anatomcal characters2005Czech Mykology 7:1-50x generagenera definitionEuengl.Boletales
Kuo M.The genus Suillus2004 NovemberRetrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site:
Nagasawa E.Taxonomic studies of Japanese boletes II. The genus Boletinus.2004Reports of the Tottori Mycological Institute 42: 10-22.xAsemgl.Boletinus
Halling R.E., Mata M.Boletus flavoruber un nouveau bolet du Costa Rica2004Bull.Soc. Mycol. France 120:257-262x CMAfranz.Lanmaoa
Robin C., Hygrophoropsis morganii (Peck) H.E.Bigelow2004Bull. Mycol. Bot. Dauphiné-Savoie 175:37-41xCEufranz.>Aphroditeola
Ladurner H., Simonini G.Xerocomus s.l. Fungi Europaei 82003Italia, ,Edizioni CandussoxCEuengl.iItal.Xerocomoideae
Halling, R.E., Mueller G.M.Leccinum (Boletaceae)in Costa Rica2003Mycologia 95(3): 488-499.x Costa RicaSWMA engl/lat..Leccinum
Peintner U., Ladurner H., Simonini G.Xerocomus cisalpinus sp.nov. , and the delimitation of species in the X. chrysenteron complex based on Morphology and rDNA-LSU sequences2003Mycol.Res. 107(6):659-679xCxsynonymyEuengl.Xerocomellus
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Ding M.-R., Wen H.-A.Studies on Suillus from Southwest China2003Nova Hedwigia 76(3-4):459-464x SW ChinamisidentificationsAsengl., lat. Suillus
Baumgartner H.Makroskopischer Bestimmungsschlüssel für Röhrlinge2003Vapko, Schweizerische Vereinigung amtlicher Pilzkontrollorganexspecies definitionEudeutschBoletales
Bresinsky A., Besl H.Beiträge zu einer Mykoflora Deutschlands: Schlüssel zur Gattungsbestimmung der Blätter-, Leisten-und Röhrenpilze2003Regensb.Mykol. Schr. 11:5-236x generaxEudeutschBoletales
Nourha E., Castellano M., Trappe J.NATS truffle and truffle-like fungi 9: Gastroboletus molinai sp. nov. (Boletaceae, Basidiomycota), with a revised key to the species of Gastroboletus2002Mycotaxon 83:409-414x WWZNAengl./lat.Gastroboletus
Taylor A.F.S., Hills A., Simonini G.A fresh look at xerocomoid fungi2002Field Mycology Volume 3(3):89-110xCEuengl.Xerocomaceen
Cazzoli P. Approccio al Genere Leccinum2002Riv. Micol. 45(3):195-216xCmisidentificationsEuital.Leccinum
Cazzoli P. Approccio al Genere Suillus2002Riv. Micol. 45(1):3-27xCEuital.Suillus
Gminder A.Die rotporigen Röhrlinge – eine Übersicht2002Südwestdeutsche Pilzrundschau 38(2):49-54xEudeutschBoletaceae
Vesterholt J., Holm M.Store rørhatte med røde rørmundiger 2002Svampe 45:1-10xCEudän.Boletaceae
Ladurner H.The Xerocomoideae of Europe 2001Thesis/ DissertationxCEUengl.Xerocomoideae
Landcare Research after McNabbKey: Xerocomus including Chalciporus  2001-2019Landcare ResearchxAuengl.Xerocomus Chalciporus
Landcare Research after McNabbKey: Boletus2001-2019Landcare ResearchxAuengl.Boletaceae
Landcare Research after McNabbBoletaceae (exc. Austroboletus) 2001-2012Landcare ResearchxAuengl.Boletaceae
Landcare Research after McNabbKey: Xerocomus including Chalciporus  2001-2019Landcare ResearchxAuengl.Xerocomus Chalciporus
Landcare Research after McNabbKey: Boletus2001-2019Landcare ResearchxAuengl.Boletaceae
Landcare Research after McNabbBoletaceae (exc. Austroboletus) 2001-2012Landcare ResearchxAuengl.Boletaceae
Landcare Research after McNabbKey: Suillus including Chalciporus p.p. 2001-2012Landcare ResearchxAuengl.Suillus Chalciporus
Lannoy G., Estades A.Flore Mycologique d’ Europe 6 Les Bolets2001Doc. Myc. Mem.hors ser. 6xCEufranz.Boletales
Taylor A.F.S., Jonsson L. +M., Rosling A., Hills A. , Simonini G.Species delineation within European species of Xerocomus using Internal Transcriber Spacer sequence data. 2001Micol. Veget. Mediterr. 16: 171-192.xCxEuengl.Boletaceae
Nagasawa E.Taxonomic studies of Japanes boletes I. The genera Boletinellus, Gyrodon and Gyroporus2001Rep. Tottori Mycol. Inst. 39:1-27x GyroporusAsengl.Boletales
Consiglio G., Papetti C.Atlante fotografico de Funghi d’Italia,Vol. 22001Bagnolo mella(Brescia), Grafica SettexCEuital.(Boletales)
Consiglio G., Papetti C.Atlante fotografico de Funghi d’Italia,Vol. 32001Bagnolo mella(Brescia), Grafica SettexCmisinterpretationsEuital.(Boletales)
Cazzoli P. Approccio al Genere Boletus- II2001Riv. Micol. 44(3):195-213xCspecies definitionEuital.Boletaceae
Henkel T.W.Tylopilus pakaraimensis sp nov., a new bolete in Tylopilus section Potamogetones from Guyana2001Mycotaxon 78:105-114xSWSAengl./lat.Tylopilus
Claridge A.W., Trappe J.M., Castellano M.A.Australasian Truffle-like Fungi. X.Gymnopaxillus (Basidiomycota, Austropaxillaceae)2001Aust.Syst.Bot. 14:273-281xSWSA Auengl./lat.Gymnopaxillus
Noordeloos M.E.Hoe raak ik thuis in de boleten-4: van peperboleet tot schubbige boleet: de ‘kleinere’ geslachten van de Boletaceae en de Strobilomycetaceae.2001Coolia 44(1):12-18xZsynonymy definitionEuholl.Boletaceae
Munoz J.A.El genero Leccinum en el norte de Espana2000Fungi non delineati 13xCEuspan.Leccinum s.l.
Kibby G.A user-friendly key tothe genus Leccinum in Great Britain2000Field Mycology 1(1):20-29xEuengl.Leccinum
Gminder A., Krieglsteiner G.J., Winterhoff W., Die Großpilze Baden-Württembergs 22000Stuttgart, UlmerxCEudeutsch(Boletales)
Papetti C., Consiglio G., Simonini G.Atlante fotografico de Funghi d’Italia, A.M.B. ol. 1,ed.22000Bagnolo mella(Brescia), Grafica Settex generaCEuital.(Boletales)
Noordeloos M.E.Hoe raak ik thuis in de boleten-2:kenmerken en indeling2000Coolia 43(2):75-98xCfamily-definition, misidentification (picture), synonymyEuholl.Boletales
den Bakker H.Hoe raak ik thuis in de boleten-3.het geslacht Leccinum (Berken-of Ruigsteelboleten)2000Coolia 43(4):206-219xCEuholl.Leccinum Leccinellum
Bessette A.E., Roody W.C., Bessette A.R. North American Boletes, a color guide to the fleshy pored mushrooms.1999Syracuse University PressxCNAengl.Boletales
Watling R. , Li T-H.Australian Boletes, A preliminary survey1999Edinburgh: Royal Botanic Garden.xAuengl.Boletales
Halling R.E., Mueller R.M, Dallwitz M.J..A new Phylloporus (Basidiomycetes, Boletaceae) with a key to species in Colombia and Costa Rica1999Mycotaxon 73:63-67xSWSA, MAengl. Phylloporus
Galli R.I Boleti. Atlante pratico-monografico per la determinazione dei boleti1998Milano, EdinaturaxCEuital.Boletales
Soc. Micol.MadridSetas de Madrid, 1. Boletales1998Grafoprint s.l., SpanienxCicon. misidentificationEuSpan.Boletales
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Sociedad Micologica de MadridSetas de Madrid 1 Boletales1998Madrid, Sociedad Micologica de MadridxCmisinterpretationsEuspan.Boletales
Bessette A.E., Bessette A.R.. Fischer D.W.Mushrooms of Northeastern North America1997Syracuse University PressxCNAengl.(Boletales)
Urbonas V.Mycota Lithuaniae VIII1997Vilnius, Valstiečių laikraštisxCEulit./engl.(Boletales)
Lamoureux Y., Despres J.Champignons du Quebec 1 les Bolets1997Montreal, Cercle desmycologues de Montreal, xCNAengl.Boletales
Grgurinovic C. A.Larger Fungi of South Australia1997Adelaide.xCmisinterpretationsAuengl.(Boletales)
Pegler D.N.The Agarics of Sao Paulo1997Kew, Royal Botanic Gardens xSAengl.(Boletales)
Simonini G.Xerocomus armeniacus ed i suoi aspetti cromatici1997BGMB 40(2-3): 429-439xCEuital.Boletaceae
Panzera G.Boletus sanguineipes specie nuova della Sezione Calopodes1997Riv. Micol. 40(4):303-309xCmisidentificationsEuital.Caloboletus
Lakhanpal T.N. Mushrooms of India I, Boletaceae1996New Delhi, A.P.H.publishing Corp.xCspecies definitionsAsengl.Boletales
Simonini G.Boletus edulis var. pusteriensis (nuova collocazione sistematica del B. subappendiculatus s. Ferrarese)1996Micologia e Vegetacione MEDITERRANEA 11(2):129-140xSWEuital.Boletus
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Smith A.H., Smith Weber N.The Mushroom Hunter’s Field Guide1996The University of Michigan PressxCNAengl.(Boletales)
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Wolfe C.B. , Bougher L.Systematics, Mycogeography, and Evolutionary History of Tylopilus subg. Roseoscabra in Australia Elucidated by Comparison with Asian and American Species1993Aust.Syst.Bot. 6:187-213xxtree resultsWWengl. /lat.Boletaceae
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Metzler S. & V.Texas Mushrooms1992Austin, University of Texas Pressx generaCmisinterpretationsNAengl.(Boletales)
Gomez L.D.Los basidiomicetes de Costa Rica IV.Revision del genero Strobilomyces Berk. (Agaricales, Boletaceae)1992Brenesia 38:95-103xSWspecies definitionMAspan.Strobilomyces
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Watling R., Gregory N.M.Observations on the Boletes of the Cooloola Sandmass, Queensland and notes on their distribution in Australia : Part 3.Lamellate Taxa1991Edinb.J.Bot.48(3): 353-391xAuengl.Boletales
Pantidou M.E.Mushrooms in the forests of Greece1991Greece, The goulandris Natural History MuseumxCnomenclature, misidentificationsEuengl.(Boletales)
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Contu M.Leccinum sectio Luteoscabra in Sardinia1990Agarica 10/11(19/20):24-29xmisinterpretationsEuengl.Leccinellum
Andres J.. & al.Guia de hongos de la peninsula iberica1990Leon, Celarayn EditorialxCnomenclature misidentificationsEuspan.(Boletales)
Bi Z.-S., Li T.-H.New taxon and new records of the genus Suillus from Guangdong1990Acta Mycologica Sinica 9:20-24xmisidentificationsAslat., chin.Suillus
Dörfelt H., Berg G.Systematische und nomenklatorische Probleme in der Gattung Leccinum (Basidiomycetes /Boletales)1990Feddes Repertorium 101(9-10): 561-570xmisidentification, mistypification, synonymy, mycorrhiza, key EudeutschLeccinum
Heinemann P., Rammeloo J.Flore illustree des champignons d’Afrique centrale 14. Suillus, Tubosaeta (Xerocomaceae)1989Meise, Ministere de l’Agriculture -Jardin Botanique National de BelgiquexCAf.franz.Boletales
Zhang B.C.,Yu Y.N.Chamonixia bispora sp.nov.(Boletales) from China1989Mycotaxon 35(2):277-2891x ChinaAsengl. lat.Chamonixia, Rossbeevera
Heinemann P., Rammeloo J.Suillus (Boletaceae, Boletineae) Tubosaeta (Xerocomaceae, Boletineae)1989Flore Illustrée des Champignons d´Afrique Centrale 14.xCAffranz.(Boletales)
Watling R., Gregory N.M.Observations on the Boletes of the Cooloola Sandmass, Queensland and notes on their distribution in Australia – Part 2D: Smooth Spored Taxa – Boletaceae, Xerocomaceae1989Proc.R.Soc. Qd.100:31-47(x)Auengl.Boletales
Watling R., Gregory N.M.Observations on the Boletes of the Cooloola Sandmass, Queensland and notes on their distribution in Australia – Part 2C:Smooth Spored Taxa – Strobilomycetaceae1989Proc.R.Soc. Qd.100:13-30(x)Auengl.Boletales
Zhang B.C.,Yu Y.N.Chamonixia bispora sp.nov.(Boletales) from China1989Mycotaxon 35(2):277-2891x ChinaAsengl. lat.Chamonixia, Rossbeevera
Thiers H.D.Gastroboletus Revisited1989Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 49:355-359xWWengl., lat.“Gastro-Boletaceae”
Pegler D.N. , Young T.W.K.Rhodactina himalayensis gen. et sp. nov. (Gautieriaceae) from India1989Opera Bot. 100:201-206x generaZAsengl.Rhodactina
Lemoine C. , Claustres G.Connaitre et reconnaitre les bolets1988Quest-France, SecalibxCspecies definitionsEufranz.Boletales
Watling R., Gregory N.M.Observations on the Boletes of the Cooloola Sandmass, Queensland and notes on their distribution in Australia : Part 2A Smooth spored Taxa – Introduction, Keys and references1988Proc.R.Soc. Qd. 99:45-63xAuengl.Boletales
Garrido N.Agaricales s.l. und ihre Mykorrhizen in den Nothofagus-Wäldern Mittelchiles1988Biblioth. Mycologica 120 – Berlin-Stuttgart, J.CramerxSAdeutsch(Boletales)
Focht I.Nasi Vrganji (Porodica vrganjevki-Boletaceae)1987Zagreb, ZnanjexCmisinterpretationsEukroat.(Boletales)
Galli R.I Boleti delle nostre regioni 21987xCEuital.Boletales
Heinemann P., Rammeloo J.Flore illustree des champignons d’Afrique centrale 13. Phylloporus (Boletineae)1987Meise, Ministere de l’Agriculture -Jardin Botanique National de BelgiquexCAffranz.Phylloporus
Bon M.The Mushrooms & Toadstools of Britain and North-western Europe1987London -Sydney-Auckland-Toronto, Hodder & Stoughton x generaCEuengl.(Boletales)
Szczepka M.-Z. Bestimmungsschlüssel für europäische Arten der Gattung Paxillus Fr.1987Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Pilze Mitteleuropas III:79-94xsynonymyEudeutschPaxillus, Tapinella
Tylutki E.E.Mushrooms of Idaho and the Pacific Northwest Vol.2 Non-gilled Hymenomycetes1987Moscow, University of Idaho PressxUSA p.p.SWmisinterpretationsNAengl.(Boletales)
Heinemann P., Rammeloo J.Flore illustree des champignons d’Afrique centrale 12. Agaricaceae, Paxillaceae1986Meise, Ministere de l’Agriculture -Jardin Botanique National de BelgiquexCAffranz.Boletales
Michael E., Hennig B., Kreisel H.Handbuch für Pilzfreunde 2. Nichtblätterpilze 3.Ed.1986Stuttgart: G. FischerxCmisinterpretationsEudeutsch(Boletales)
Zang, M.Notes on the Boletales from eastern Himalayas and adjacent areas of China 1986Acta bot. Yunnanica 8(1): 1-22. x Boletinus Tylopilus, Boletales
Albert L.Taxonomic key for the European species of the Leccinum genus1986?Clusiana 25 (2-3):89-94xEuengl.Leccinum s.l.
Heinemann P., Rammeloo J.Agariceae (Agaricaceae), Paxillaceae (Boletineae)1986Flore illustree des Champignons d’ Afrique Centrale 12xCAffranz.(Boletales)
Watling R., Gregory N.M.Observations on the Boletes of the Cooloola Sandmass, Queensland and notes on their distribution in Australia (1)1986Proc.R.Soc. Qd. 97:97-129xAuengl.Boletales
Arora D.Mushrooms demystified 2.Ed.1986Berkeley, Ten Speed PressxCmisinterpretationsNAengl.(Boletales)
Moreno G., Garcia Manjon J. L., Zuzaga A. La Guia de Incafo de los Hongos de la Peninsula Iberica 1,1986Madrid: Incafo. xCnomenclatureEuspan.(Boletales)
Pegler D.N.Agaric flora of Sri Lanka1986Kew Bull., Addit. Ser.12: >453-469<x+ generaZAsengl.(Boletales)
Ying J.-Z., Ma Q.-M.New taxa and records of the genus Strobilomyces in China.1985Acta Mycologica Sinica 4(2):95–102x ChinaAsengl., Lat.Strobilomyces
Alessio C.L.Boletus Fungi Europaei 21985Saronno: Biella Giovanna.xCspecies definitionEuital/franz.Boletales
Zang, M.Notes on the Boletales from eastern Himalayas and adjacent China1985Acta bot. Yunnanica 7(4): 383-401. x genera, Boletellus, Strobilomyces, Boletales
Thiers H.D.The Agaricales (Gilled Fungi) of California 3.Gomphidiaceae1985Euteka, Mad River PressxCNAengl.Gomphidiaceae
Thiers H.D.The Agaricales (Gilled Fungi) of California 4. Paxillaceae1985Euteka, Mad River PressxCNAengl.Boletales
Wen H.-A.New species and new records of genus Boletellus from China1985Acta Mycologica Sinica 4: 222-226, p. IxAslat. chin.Boletellus
Ryman S., Holmasen I.Svampar/Pilze 1984/ 1992Stockholm, InterpublishingxCmisinterpretationsEuschwed. deutsch(Boletales)
Singer R., Gomez L.D. The Basidiomycetes of Costa Rica III. The genus Phylloporus (Boletaceae)1984Brenesia 22:163-181xMAengl.Phylloporus
Bi C.-S., Li T.-H., Zheng G.-Y., Li C.Basidiomycetes from Dinghu Mountain of China III.Some species of Boletaceae (2)1984Acta Mycologica Sinica 3: 199-206x generaAslat.,chin.Boletales
Engel, H. & al.Dickröhrlinge. Die Gattung Boletus in Europa1983Weidhausen b. Coburg: EngelxCEudeutschBoletaceae
Engel H. & al.Rauhstielröhrlinge 2.Aufl.1983Weidhausen b. Coburg: EngelxCEudeutschLeccinum s.l.
Singer R., Araujo I., Ivory M.H.The Ectotrophically Mycorrhizal Fungi of the Neotropical Lowlands, Especially Central Amazonia1983Beih. Nova hedwigia 77:1-352xCSA MAengl.(Boletales)
Heinemann P., Rammeloo J.Flore illustree des Champignons d’ Afrique Centrale 10 Gyrodontaceae p.p.(Boletineae)1983Meise, Ministere de l’Agriculture -Jardin Botanique National de BelgiquexCAffranz.Boletales
Moser M., Die Röhrlinge und Blätterpilze, 5. Aufl. – In GAMS, H., (Begr.): Kleine Kryptogamenflora, Band IIb/21983Stuttgart: G. FischerxmisinterpretationsEudeutsch(Boletales)
Hlavacek L.Sekce Luridi Fr. rodu Boletus , cervene modraky1983Časopis Českoslov. Houbaru Mykol. Sbornik 60(3): 65-71xspecies definitionEutschech.Boletaceae
Pegler D.N.Agaric Flora ‘Lesser Antilles’1983Kew Bull., Addit. Ser. 9.>526, 565-594<x+ generaZMAengl. lat.(Boletales)
Heinemann P., Rammeloo J.Les bolets a setules1982Bull. du Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg. 52:477-482x Fam.WWfranz.Boletales
Krieglsteiner G.J.Verbreitung und Ökologie200 ausgewählter Röhren-, Blätter-, Poren. und Rindenpilze in der BR Deutschland1982Beih. Z. f. Mykol.4:>1-35, 229-232<x BoletusEudeutsch(Boletales)
Ginns J. A monograph of the genus Coniophora (Aphyllophorales, Basidiomycetes)1982Opera Bot. 61:7-61x genera, speciesWWengl.Coniophoraceae
Heinemann P., Rammeloo J.Observations sur le genre Phlebopus (Boletineae)1982Mycotaxon 15:383-404xWWengl/lat.Phlebopus
Garcia, J., Castillo, J.Las especies de Boletáceos y Gonfidiáceos conocidas en Nuevo León.1981Boletín de la Sociedad Mexicana de Micología 15: 121-197.xCNAspan.Boletales
Smith A.H., Smith H. V., Weber N. SHow to know the non-gilled mushrooms. 2nd edn1981Dubuque: Brown.xNAengl.(Boletales)
Miller O.K. jr.Mushrooms of North America1981New York , E.p. Duttonx generaCmisinterpretationsNAengl.(Boletales)
Merlo E.G.,Rosso M.,Traverso M.I Boleti1980Genova, Sagep EditricexCEuitalBoletales
Scate K. , Gibson I.(updates) Field key to Gomphidiaceae in the Pacific › council › Gomphi Pacific Northwest Key CouncilxCNA engl.Gomphidiaceae
Scates K , Gibson I., Bishop R.Trial field key to the BOLETES in the Pacific /council / Boletex + generaCNAengl. Boletales
Heinemann P., Rammeloo J.Flore illustree des Champignons d’ Afrique Centrale 7, Leucocoprinaceae p.p (Agaricaceae), Gyrodontaceae p.p.(Boletineae)1980Meise, Ministere de l’Agriculture -Jardin Botanique National de BelgiquexCAffranz.(Phlebopus)
Horak E.Indian Boletales and Agaricales Revisions and new taxa.1980Sydowia 33:>88-100<xspecies definitionAsengl.(Boletales)
Wolfe jr. C.B.Austroboletus & Tylopilus subg. Porphyrellus1979Biblioth. Mycologica 69, Vaduz, J.CramerxSWWWengl.Boletales
Heinemann P., Rammeloo J.Observations sur Gyroporus castaneuss s.l.1979Bull. du Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg. 49:435-447xWWfranz.Gyroporus
Thiers H.D.The genus Suillus in the western United States1979Mycotaxon 9:285-296xNAengl.Suillus , Boletinus
Wolfe C.B.jr.Mucilopilus, a new genus of the Boletaceae , with Emphasis on North American Taxa1979Mycotaxon 10:116-132xgenus definitionWWengl/lat.Mucilopilus Veloporphyrellus Fistulinella
Engel, H. & al. Rauhstielröhrlinge 1.Aufl.1978Weidhausen b. Coburg: EngelxCEudeutschLeccinum s.l.
Zang M., Zeng X.-L.A preliminary study of the family Paxillaceae of Yunnan and Tibet, China.1978Acta Microbiol Sin 18(4):279–286x ChinaAschin.Phylloporus, Paxillus
Singer R.Notes on bolete taxonomy II1978Persoonia 9(4). 421-438x NA.SASA NAengl/lat..Boletaceae
Singer R.Keys for the identification of the species of Agaricales II1978Sydowia 31:>196-197<xWWengl.(Chalciporus)
Pegler D.N.A Preliminary Agaric Flora of East Africa1977Kew Bull., Addit. Ser. 6: 546-569x+ generaZsynonymyAfengl.(Boletales)
Horak E.Boletellus and Porphyrellus in Papua New Guinea1977Kew Bull. 31:645-652xZAsengl.Boletales
Singer R.Keys for the identification of the species of Agaricales I1977Sydowia 30:>192-237>xWWengl.(Boletales)
Horak E.New and rare Boletes from Chile1977Boln Soc. argent. Bot. 13:97-109xZSAengl., lat.Boletaceae
Bresinsky A.Gattungsschlüssel für Blätter – und Röhrenpilze1976Beih. Zeitschr. Pilzk. 1:1-42x generaEudeutschBoletales
Grund D. W. , Harrison K. A.Nova Scotian Boletes1976Biblioth. Mycologica 47. – Vaduz: Cramer.xSWNAengl.Boletales
Romagnesi H.Nomenclature des bolets du groupe purpureus Pers. ex Mich., ss. Fries1976Bull.Soc. Mycol. France 92: 305-310xEufranz.Boletales
Singer R., Kuthan J.Notes on Chroogomphus (Gomphidiaceae)1976Česka Mykologie 30:81-89xWWengl. , tschech. Chroogomphus (Gomphidius)
Singer R., Kuthan J.Notes on Boletes 1976Česka Mykologie 30: 143-155xWWengl.Boletales
Heinemann P.Les Boletinees1975Bruxelles, Les Naturalistes belgesxSWEufranz.Boletales
Thiers H.D., Wood M., Stevens F., Boom M.Field Key to the Boletes of California1975 1998www mycoweb.comxNAengl.Boletaceen
Thiers H.D.Field Key to the Boletes of California Key to the Genera of Boletes1975reprint
Thiers H.D. California Mushrooms A Field Guide to the Boletes1975New York, Hafner PressxCNAengl.Boletales
Trappe J.M.A Revision of the genus Alpova with Notes on Rhizopogon annd the Melanogastraceae1975Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia. 51:279-309x genera, speciesSWWWengl.Boletales
Thiers H.D.The Status of the Genus Suillus in the United States1975Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia. 51:247-278x “subgenera” species,NAengl.Suillaceae, Bothia, Paragyrodon
Dermek A., Pilat A.Poznavajme huby 1974Veda, slovenska academia viedxCEuslova.(Boletales)
Guzman G.El genero Fistulinella Henn. (=Ixechinus Heim) y las relaciones floristicas entre Mexico y Africa 1974Bol.Soc. Mex. Mic.8:53-63xNAspan., lat., engl.Fistulinella
McIlvaine C., Macadam R.K., Shaffer R.L.One thousand American Fungi1973NewYork, Dover Publications Inc.x C SWsynonymy misinterpretations nomenclatureNAengl.(Boletales)
Corner E.H.J.Boletus in Malaysia1972Singapore: Government Printerx Malaysia, BorneoCAsengl. Boletales
Vasilkov B.P.Butter Mushrooms growing in cedar pine thicket of the USSR1971Mycology and Phytopathology 5, 2, :84-186xEuruss.Suillus
Coker W.C. , Beers A.H.The Boletaceae of North Carolina 1971New York: Dover Publications Inc., reprint of 1943xC SWmisinterpretationsNAengl.Boletales
Smith A.H. , Thiers H.D.The Boletes of Michigan1971Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.xSWNAengl.Boletales
Horak, E.Contributions to the Knowledge of the Agaricales s.l. (Fungi) of New Zealand1971New Zealand Journal of Botany 9: 463-93.x generaAuengl.(Boletales)
Thiers H.D.California Boletes IV. The genus Leccinum1971Mycologia 63:261-276xmisidentificatiosNAengl/lat..Leccinum
Miller O.K. jr.The genus Gomphidius with a revised description of the Gomphidiaceae and a key to the genera1971Mycologia 63:1129-1163xSWNA,Euengl/lat..Gomphidiaceae
Corner E.H.J.Phylloporus & Paxillus in Malaya & Borneo1970Nova Hedwigia 20:793-822x Malaysia, BorneoCAsengl.Phylloporus Paxillus
Snell W.H., Dick E.A.The Boleti of Northeastern North America1970Lehre: Cramer.xCNAengl.Boletales
Watling R. , British Fungus Flora 1 Boletaceae, Gomphidiac., Paxillac.1970Edinburgh: HMSO.xZEuengl.Boletales
Singer R.Flora Neotropica Monograph No.5 Strobilomycetaceae (Basidiomycetes)1970 New York & London, Hafner Publishing Comp.xMA SAengl.Boletaceae
Blum J.Revision des bolets Huitieme note)1970Bull.Soc. Mycol. France 86:215-256xspecies definitionEufranz.Boletales
Dennis R.W.G.Fungus Flora of Venezuela and adjacent countries1970Kew Bull. Add. Ser.3:> 80-82<xSAengl.(Boletales)
Miller O.K. jr, Trappe J.M..A new Chroogomphus with a loculate hymenium and a revised key to section Floccigomphus1970Mycologia 62:831-836xNAengl/lat..Chroogomphus
Blum J.Revision des Bolets Quatrieme note 1970Revue Mycologie 35:176-221xspecies definitionEufranz/lat.Boletaceae
Leclair A., Essette H.Les bolets Atlas Mycologiques II1969Paris, Paul LechevalierxCEufranz.Boletales
Blum, J.Revision des Bolets (Septieme note)1969Bull.Soc. Myc. Fr.85:527-575xspecies definitionEufranz.Leccinum
Thiers H.D., Trappe J.M.Studies in the genus Gastroboletus1969Brittonia 21:244-254 xWWengl. Boletaceae
Blum J.Revision des bolets (Cinquieme note)1969Bull.Soc. Mycol. France 85: 21-65xspecies definitionEufranz.Suillus
Blum J.Revision des bolets (Cinquieme note)1969Bull.Soc. Mycol. France 85: 21-65xspecies definitionEufranz.Suillus
Blum J.Revision des bolets (Sixieme note)1969Bull.Soc. Mycol. France 85: 66-92xspecies definitionEufranz.Boletales
Blum J.Revision des bolets (Septieme note)1969Bull.Soc. Mycol. France 85: 527-575xspecies definitionEufranz.Leccinum, Leccinellum
Blum J.Revision des Bolets Troisieme note 1969Revue Mycologie 34:249-277xspecies definitionEufranz.Boletaceae
McNabb R.F.R.The Boletaceae of New Zealand 1968New Zealand Journal of Botany, 6(2):137-176,x New ZealandSWAuengl.Boletales
Mc Nabb R.F.R.The Boletaceae of New Zealand1968New Zealand Journal of Botany 6:137-176xCAuengl.Boletales
Michael E., Hennig B.Handbuch für Pilzfreunde 1. Die wichtigsten und häufigsten Pilze1968Jena: G.FischerxCEudeutsch(Boletales)
Blum J.Revision des bolets (Premiere note)1968Bull.Soc. Mycol. France 84: 301-332 xspecies definitionEufranz.Boletus, Tylopilus, Rubroboletus, Imperator
Blum J.Revision des bolets (Deuxieme note)1968Bull.Soc. Mycol. France 84: 577-602xspecies definitionEufranz.Boletales
Smith A.H.Thiers H.D.Notes on Boletes -I 1.the generic position of Boletus subglabripes and Boletus chromapes. 2.A comparison of four species of Tylopilus1968Mycologia 60: 943-954xgenus definition, misidentificationsNAengl/lat..Boletaceae
McNabb R.F.R.The Boletaceae of New Zealand1968New Zealand Journ. Botany 6:137-176x genera, speciesCgenera definition, misidentificationsAuengl./lat.Boletales
Moser M., Die Röhrlinge und Blätterpilze, 3.. Aufl. – In GAMS, H., (Begr.): Kleine Kryptogamenflora, Band IIb/21967Stuttgart: G. FischerxEudeutsch(Boletales)
Smith A.H., Thiers H.D., Watling R.A preliminary account of the North American species of Leccinum sections Luteoscabra and Scabra1967The Michigan Botanist 6(3A):107-154xSWNAengl.Leccinum Leccinellum
McNabb R.F.R.The Strobilomycetaceae of New Zealand1967New Zealand Journ. Botany 5:532-547x genera, speciesCgenera definition, misidentificationAuengl.Boletaceae
Blum J. Essai de determination de quelques Bolets du groupe scaber1967Revue Mycologie 32:135-161xspecies definitionEufranz.Leccinum Leccinellum
Blum J. Essai de determination de quelques Bolts du groupe scaber1967Revue Mycologie 32:336-367xspecies definitionEufranz/lat.Leccinum Leccinellum
Horak E.Remarques critiques sur quelques champignons du Congo (Afrique)1967Bull. de la Soc. bot. Suisse 77:362-375x genera, speciesAffranz,(Tubosaeta, Boletochaete)
Thiers H.D.California boletes III. the genus Suillus1967Madrono 19:148-160xNAengl.Suillus
Heinemann P.Flore iconogr.des champ. du Congo 15. Hygrphoraceae, Laccaria & Boletineae II1966Bruxelles, Ministere de l’Agriculture -Jardin Botanique de l’EtatxCAffranz.Boletaceae
Singer R.Die Pilze Mitteleuropas 6 Die Röhrlinge Boletoideae1966Heilbrunn: Klinckhardt.xCEudeutschBoletales
Miller O.K. Jr.A new Western species of Chroogomphus1966Mycologia 58:855-861xSWNAengl. Chroogomphus
Heinemann P.Hygrophoraceae, Laccaria et Boletineae II1966Flore Icongraphique des Champignons du Congo 15xCAffranz.(Boletales)
Smith A.H., Thiers H.D., Watling R.A preliminary account of the North American species of Leccinum section Leccinum1966The Michigan Botanist 5(3A):131-179xSWNAengl.Leccinum
Blum J. Remarques sur quelques Bolets1966Revue Mycologie 31:360-371x SuillusEufranzBoletales
Singer R.Die Pilze Mitteleuropas 5 Die Röhrlinge Boletaceae1965Heilbrunn: Klinckhardt.xCEudeutschBoletales
Blum J.Essai de determination des Bolets du groupe ganulatus1965Bull.Soc. Mycol. France 81:450-491xEufranz.Suillus
Watling R.Notes on British Boleti VI1965Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinb. 40:300-307xmisidentificationsEuengl.Boletales
Watling R.Notes on British Boleti V1965Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinb.40:289-299xspecies definitionEuengl.Boletales
Watling R.Notes on British Boleti IV1965 Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinb. 40:101-120xEuengl.Boletinus, Suillus, Chalciporus, Imleria
Smith A. H., Thiers H. D.A contribution toward a monograph of North American species of Suillus.1964Ann Arbor: The Authors.xSWNAengl.Suillineae
Singer R.Boletes and related groups in South America1964Nova Hedwigia VII:93-132xC SWSAengl.(Boletales)
Blum J.Lactaires et Bolets, les Bolets 1964Bull.Soc. Mycol. France 80(3):297-317.xEufranz.Boletaceae
Heim R., Perreau J.les genres Porphyrellus et Strobilomyces au Mexique1964Bull.Soc. Mycol. France 80(1):88-101xEufranz.Boletaceae
Miller O.K. jr.Monograph of Chroogomphus (Gomphidiaceae)1964Mycologia 56:526-549xSWmisidentificationsWWengl.Chroogomphus
Thiers H.D.The genus Xerocomus Quelet in Northern California1964Madrono 17(3):237-300xspecies definitionNAengl.Boletaceae
Bresinsky A.Exsikkatenschlüssel für die Gattung Gomphidius in Mitteleuropa (Agaricales)1963Mitt. Bot. München Band V p. 125-134xEudeutschGomphidiaceen
Smith A.H.The Mushroom Hunter’s Field Guide1963Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.xC SWmisinterpretationsNAengl.(Boletales)
Watling R.Notes on British Boleti III 1963Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinb.39:473-488x genera, speciesgenus/species definitionEuengl.Boletales
Watling R.Notes on British Boleti II 1963Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinb. 39:415-431xspecies definitiomEuengl.Boletaceae
Blum J.Les Bolets Etudes Mycologiques – I1962Editions Paul lechevalier, ParisxC SWEufranz.Boletales
PomerleauR., Smith A.H.Fuscoboletinus, a new genus of the Boletales1962Brittonia 14:156-172xSWNAengl. Suillus Boletinus
Watling R.Notes on British Boleti 1961Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinb. 39(2):196-205xEuengl./lat.Leccinum, Leccinellum
Hesler L.R.Mushrooms of the Great Smokies1960Knoxville, The University of Tennessee PressxSWmisinterpretationsNAengl.(Boletales)
Singer R., Digilio A.P.L.Las Boletaceas de Sudamerica tropical1960Lilloa 30:141-164xSAspan.Boletales
Singer R., Smith A.H.Studies on secotiaceous fungi IX The Astrogastraceous Series1960Mem. Torrey Bot. Cl. 21(3):1-112xWWengl.(Octavianina)
Smith A.H. , Singer R.Studies on secotiaceous fungi IV Gastroboletus, Truncocolumella and Chamonixia1959Brittonia 11: 205-223xSWWWengl. Boletales
Smith A.H., Singer R.Studies on secotiaceous Fungi. VIII. A new genus in the Secotiaceae related to Gomphidius.1958Mycologia 50:927-938xNAengl./lat.Brauniellula, Chroogomphus
Singer R., Digilio A.P.L.Las Boletaceas austrosudamericanas1957Lilloa 28:(247)250-268xSAspan.Boletales
Heinemann P.Champignons recoltes au Congo Belge par madame M.Goossens-Fontana I. Boletineae, Note complementaire 21955Bull. Jard. Bot. de l’etat, Bruxelles 25:169-181x PhylloporusAffranz.Boletales
Heinemann P.Flore iconographique des champ. du Congo 3 .Boletineae1954Bruxelles, Ministere de l’Agriculture -Jardin Botanique de l’EtatxCAffranz.Boletaceae
Singer R.The Agarics of the Argentine sector of Tierra del Fuego1953Sydowia 7:>260-265<xSAengl.(Paxillus)
Singer R., Digilio A.P.L.Prodromo de la Flora Agaricina Argentina1951Lilloa 25:(5)430-441(461)xSAspan.(Boletales)
Heinemann P.Champignons recoltes au Congo Belge par madame M.Goossens-Fontana I. Boletineae1951Bull. Jard. Bot. de l’etat, Bruxelles 21:223-346xAffranz.Boletales
Skirgiello A.Gryzyby(Fungi)I. Borowikowe (Boletales) in Flora Polska1950Warszawa, Panstwowe wydawnictwo NaukowexCEupoln.Boletales
Pearson A.A.British Boleti1950London, Hall; BrownxEuengl.Boletales
Singer R.The genus Gomphidius Fries in North America1949Mycologia 41:462-489xSWNAengl.Gomphidius, Chroogomphus
Singer R.(in Gams H.)Schlüssel für die europäischen Familien, Gattungen und wichtigsten Untergattungen der Agaricales (Blätterpilze und Röhrlinge)1948Veröffentlichungen der Österreichischen Mykologischen Gesellschaft – 2: 1 – 24.x family, genera (species)Eudeutsch(Boletales)
Murrill W.A. Florida Boletes1948Lloydia.11:21-35xgenus, species definitionNAengl.(Boletales)
Charles V.K.Some common mushrooms and how to know them1946United States dep. Agricult. Circular No.143:45-48xSWmisidentificationsNAengl.Boletales
Singer R.The Boletineae of Florida1945 -46Bibliotheca Mycologica 58, reprint 1977 , Vaduz, J.Cramer xSWWWengl.Boletales
Kern H., Die Röhrlinge1945Olten: Verband Schweizer.Vereine f. PilzkundexEudeutschBoletales
Slipp A.W., Snell W.H.Taxonomic-Ecologic studies of the Boletaceae in Northern Idaho and adjecent Washington1944Lloydia 7:1-66xSWsynonymy , misidentificationNAengl.(Boletales)
Heil H.Röhrlings.Bestimmungstabelle.1943Deutsche Blätter für Pilzkunde 5(3.4)xEudeutschBoletales
Singer R.Sur les genres Ixocomus, Boletinus, Phylloporus, Gyrodon et Gomphidius1938Rev. Myc.3:35-53.xEufranz.Suillaceae
Imler L.Nouvelles remarques sur le genre Krombholziella R.Maire1938Bull.Soc. Mycol. France 54:5-62xEufranz.Leccinum, Leccinellum
Singer R.Sur les genres Ixocomus , Boletinus , Phylloporus, Gyrodon et Gomphidius1938Revue Mycologie 3:35-53,157-177x Suillus, Boletinus, PhylloporusGomphidiusCgenus definitionWWfranz ./lat.Boletales
Singer R.Über Lärchen-, Zirben -und Birkenröhrlinge1938Schweiz. Zeitschr. Pilzk.16(8):123-126, 16(9):134-137, 148-150xmisidentification, keyEu, Asdeutsch, lat.Boletales
Snell W.H.Tentative Keys to the Boletaceae of the United States and Canada1936Providence, R.I. publ.No.1xNAengl.Boletales
Cleland J. B.Toadstools and Mushrooms and other larger fungi of South Australia1934-1935South Australia: A. B. James, reprint 1976 xSWAuengl.(Boletales)
Kallenbach F.Die Röhrlinge (Boletaceae)1931Sonderdruck aus Z.Pilzk.xsynonymy, species definitionEudeutschBoletales
Cunningham G.H.The Gasteromycetes of Australasia XII -The genus Scleroderma1931Mycologist, Plant Research Station, Palmerston North N.Z.xAu Asengl.Scleroderma
Lindau G., Ulbrich E.Die höheren Pilze, Basidiomycetes (Kryptogamenflora für Anfänger, Band 1) 3.Aufl.1928Berlin, SpringerxnomenclatureEudeutsch(Boletales)
Thellung A. & F.Die Gruppe des Dickfuß-Röhrlings (Boletus pachypus Fries)1927Schweiz. Zeitschr. Pilzk.5(9):93-96xtaxonomyEudeutschCaloboletus
Kauffman C.H.The genus Gomphidius in the United States1925Mycologia 17:113-126, pl.12-14xSWmisidentificationsNAengl.(Chroogomphus, Gomphidius)
Killermann S.Pilze aus Bayern. Kritische Studien zu M. Britzelmayr: Standortsangaben und (kurze) Bestimmungstabellen II.Teil: Boleteae, Tenaces, Rhodosporae, Ochrosporae I. u.II Abt. Nachträge1925Denkschrift Bayr.Bot.Ges. Regensbuurg 16/10:1-123xspecies definition Eudeutsch(Boletales)
Rea C.British Basidiomycetae: a handbook to the larger British Fungi. 1922Cambridge, University pressxnomenclatureEuengl.(Boletales)
Nüesch E.Die Röhrlinge 1920St. Gallen: Huber & Co.xEudeutschBoletales
Ricken A.Vademecum für Pilzfreunde1920Lehre, J.Cramer reprint 1969xCEudeutsch(Boletales)
Zeller S.M.Rhizopogon in North America 1918Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 5(1)x NASWWWengl.Rhizopogon
Murrill W.A.American Boletes 1914New York , p.1-40x genera, speciesspecies definitionNAengl.Boletales
Murrill W.A. Boletaceae1910North American Flora 9(3):>133-161<xtaxonomyNAengl.Boletales
Murrill W.A. The Boletaceae of North America – I1909Mycologia 1:4-18xmisidentificationsNAengl. Boletales
Murrill W.A. The Boletaceae of North America – II1909Mycologia 1:140-160xmisidentificationsNAengl. Boletales
Murrill W.A. Boleti from Western North Carolina1908Torreya 8(9):209-217xNAengl.Boletales
Murrill W.A. Collecting and studying Boleti1908Torreya 8(9):50-55x “groups” (genera)NAengl.Boletales
Peck C.H.Edible and Poisonous fungi of New York.1894 [1895]Bull.NY State Mus.48, Annual Report of the State Botanist:>150-151,194- 202, 217-218<xCspecies definitionNAengl.(Boletales)
Peck C. H.New York species of viscid boleti1887 [1888]Bull. New York State Mus. 1(2): 57- 66.xZNAengl.Suillineae, Boletineae
Peck C. H.New York Species of Paxillus.1887 [1888]Bull. New York State Mus. 1(2):29-33xNAengl.Paxillus Tapinella
Peck C. H.Report of the Botanist- Plants found growing spontaneously in the State and not before reported.1870 [1872]Ann. Rep. Reg. N.Y. St. Mus. 23:>127-133, Pl.5,6<xCNAengl.Boletaceae
Opatowski G.De familia fungorum Boletoideorum1836Berlin, in Archiv f. Naturgeschichte 2/1:1-34xEulat.(Boletales)